
Long Marton

Community School

Class 1



Welcome to Early Years!

“Teachers in the early years are skilled in picking up on children’s interests and enthusiasms to extend their learning.” Ofsted February 2019

We are a pre-school and Reception unit where we work closely together, following an emergent curriculum that is based around the interests of the wonderful children within our unit. Miss Dixon (working Monday and Tuesdays) and Miss Peart  (working on Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays)are the classteachers. Mrs Bird works in the unit as a Higher Level teaching assistants. For more information on our pre-school provision click here.



Mrs Bird     Miss Dixon   Miss Peart    

Here is the curriculum jigsaw for what we we cover in the early years. For further information about our Early Years curriculum click here.

Below you will also see what we are covering this term and two presentations that we hope you will find helpful.

1. The Little Wandle phonics scheme

2. A presentation given to parents/carers in the first week of school in Reception

Click below for our two year rolling programme of study.

Transition is an important part of school life, particularly when children move classes. Please find below a booklet that may help your child when moving from Class 1 to Class 2.
