Long Marton
Community School
“Pupils are proud to represent their school in competitions, for example rugby, hockey, running, orienteering, cricket tournaments and chess championships” Ofsted February 2019
Please read the information below which gives details of our PE and Sport Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding. For further information about our sports participation and our membership of the Eden Valley Sports Partnership see below. We have been awarded the School Games GOLD award for sports participation and performance.
We have used the Sports Premium to offer opportunities extra and above those that we normally would in school eg. Bouldering (all KS 2) and climbing (whole school). We get access to lots of sporting opportunities and competitions through our membership of the Eden Valley Sports Partnership (see attached programme below).
Our Key Steps 3 team came 2nd place in the county competition 2023.
We keep a record of our sporting achievements each year to celebrate our pupils and recognise the wide range f sports that we participate in - see below. In 2023 we won the Long Marton football and netball shield.
We have purchased a new kit for all ages. It comprises of red sports tops, black shorts and black tracksuit bottoms. All items have the school logo on.