
Long Marton

Community School




Welcome to Long Marton School!

"Leaders and governors ensure that this small village school at the heart of its local community continues to thrive. Parents commented that staff are dedicated and will always go the extra mile to make learning in Long Marton a rich and enjoyable experience. Pupils feel happy and safe in the school. They have every confidence that adults are always willing to listen to any worries they may have and that they will help to resolve any problems." Ofsted February 2019


We pride ourselves on the friendly

atmosphere of our school and we are always very happy to welcome prospective new children and their parents. If you would like to visit and meet us all personally then please ring to make an appointment.  

In the meantime, we hope that you can get a flavour of our exceptional school by taking an introductory tour through our website or clicking on the prospectus below. Our school will enable your child to develop to his or her full potential. We are 'a small school that achieves BIG things'.

If you would like to apply for a place, please click here.
If you live outside of Long Marton but are still in the school's catchment you may be eligible for school transport. Please click here to apply.
