
Long Marton

Community School

Internet Safety Advice

Pupils understand how to stay safe on the internet. For example, they know not to share personal information online and to seek adult help immediately if they come across any inappropriate material." Ofsted February 2019

Please see below the presentation given to parents/carers on Tuesday 7th February - Safer Internet Day.

Useful Tips for Online Safety

We urge all parents to speak to their children, nieces, nephews and other children about what to do if they are frightened by something they see online.

There has been a lot on the news recently about the current trends which are particularly nasty. For this reason, please encourage children to :-

• Talk to a parent/carer/trusted adult if they see anything or hear anything that is scaring them.

• If they are told ‘not to tell their parents’ then that is a green light to go straight to an adult.

• Not to download or accept any unknown contacts on social media or particularly WhatsApp.

• Please ensure they know that the scary faces that may have popped up or could pop up are not real. They can’t hurt them.

There is now an ‘Internet Worry Box’ in the school where children can talk about anything that is worrying them or anything strange they may notice online. If you are a parent or carer, we hope you will find the web links below useful.


News and articles surrounding internet safety.


Think You Know          

Great advice to keep children safe whilst using the internet.


Parent Info

Expert information to help children and young people stay safe online.


UK Safer Internet Centre

E-safety tips, advice and resources.

NSPCC Online Safety

Helpful advice and tools you can use

to help keep your child safe whenever and wherever they go online.


Childnet International

Parents and Carers information to keep your child safe online.


Action for Children

Action for Children supports and speaks for the UK's most vulnerable and neglected children and young people.


BBC Bitesize

Fun activities to help children at learn more key subjects.


Department for Education

Articles and advice for children and young people.

For the NSPCC report "How safe are our children 2018" please click below.
