
Long Marton

Community School

Links with other schools

“Pupils' wider development is fostered well.  For example, pupils enjoy visits to places of local interest and art exhibitions.  Residential trips to different cities help to broaden pupils' horizons.  Pupils develop their confidence and resilience through the different sporting events and clubs that they can be part of. .” Ofsted July 2024.

As a small school in the Eden Valley we value our links with other schools. We work closely with:

  • MESS (Middle Eden Small Schools)
  • ERA (Eden Rural Alliance)
  • AGS (Appleby Grammar School, our catchment secondary school)
  • Other Secondary schools in the Eden Valley.


MESS consists of 6 other small schools in

close geographical proximity. We work together to enhance the educational opportunities that we offer to our young people and to reduce rural isolation. This also helps to prepare our pupils for transfer to local secondary schools. Some examples of annual activities are joint residentials, a Y6 transition outdoor activity at Patterdale Hall, Ullswater and our Y5 and Y6 Sex Education.

ERA consists of 12 other schools  from Middle Eden to Upper Eden. We are a LASL (Local Association of System Leaders) cluster and work to improve standards across the cluster, support professional development of staff and review provision. We enjoy taking part in activities and competitions together.


AGS offer transition activities such as the annual Y5/7 Maths and Science trail, extended transition activities for pupils who may find moving to secondary more challenging, professional development workshops eg. Y6 writing moderation and  opportunities for whole classes to visit and sample a day of secondary activities (see our DT week page).



Other Eden Valley secondaries also offer opportunities for young people to sample activities eg. the Y5 science day at Ullswater Community College. 


