
Long Marton

Community School



"Teachers set the most able pupils difficult challenges in lessons. These pupils do not simply move on from one calculation to another. Rather they are encouraged to think hard about increasingly complex problems and explain their methodology. This supports their development of increasingly high levels of understanding and mastery of this subject." Ofsted February 2019

Maths will be essential in almost every problem that your child has to solve in their daily lives. We aim to ensure that your child will develop a positive attitude towards Mathematics and to learn to use it with confidence, pleasure and understanding. Their knowledge, skills and understanding in maths will develop as they use it in practical activities to solve relevant meaningful problems and to explore the patterns and relationships on which mathematical concepts depend.  

 In the EYFS, children explore mathematics and develop their skills through a range of activities. They learn to apply their skills in a variety of different contexts including stories, songs, role play, games, real life problems and through the use of tangible items. In Class 1 and 2 maths is taught with a very practical, visual approach; the White Rose scheme is used as a basis for planning but is then adapted. As pupils move into Class 3 the practical approach is still vitally important. The White Rose scheme continues to be used. 

As the pupils prepare for the statutory Y4 tables check, they are encouraged to participate in daily practice using Times Tables Rockstars; another resource used is Facts at your fingertips. 

Where gaps in maths knowledge are observed, we have a member of staff trained in delivering the Numicon Intervention programme. This focuses on three key aspects of maths: communicating mathematically, exploring relationships and generalising.  A multi-sensory approach is used alongside manipulatives to embed and expand knowledge. Training is also being offered to other staff members in order to provide support across the school. We also use two 1:1 coaching systems to support Maths success.

Plus 1: is the introductory Maths coaching system  which focuses on the basic number concepts. It support pupils who need more practice with their maths fluency.. This is used in short ten minute sessions repeated regularly through the week. 

Power of 2: this builds on the mathematical concepts taught in Plus 1 . It continues the same format of repetitive 1:1 coaching in short sessions repeated regularly throughout the week.

All children are taught Maths for at least five hours a week. Each term every child from Y1 to Y6 completes the RISING STARS PUMA test which gives a standardised score. Staff use this information alongside their own teacher assessment to make a judgement about whether children are working towards the expected standard, working at the expected standard or at greater depth in maths.

See below the maths objectives taught in each school year.

Also you will find a range of resources, shared at a parents workshop,  to show you how we teach multiplication and

division skills in school.

Maths objectives Y1 - 6

See our Y1 - Y6 calculation policy below.

Parents workshop information on multiplication and division
