
Long Marton

Community School


Physical Education

Subject areas that your child will cover will include gymnastic skills, creative movement and dance, games skills leading to minor and major games and athletics. The whole school will have the opportunity to participate in swimming lessons, when possible, at the nearby swimming pool. We aim to encourage your child to enjoy and succeed in the whole range of activities offered to them. However, we also appreciate that winning and losing are aspects of sport and life that children need to learn to deal with in a fair and acceptable manner. In our teaching of PE, we therefore aim not only to encourage your child's physical development but also to ensure that they develop an appreciation of the importance of these life skills. 

The PE curriculum  is delivered to pupils in Y1 and 2 by the class teacher and outside specialists like Action Ants and Razzamatazz for 1-2 hours a week. They also do Forest schools for an hour a week. In Y3-6 pupils are taught for two hours a week by our PE specialist. Assessment is made after observation and discussion with the children. This is then recorded on the foundation assessment grid.

See below the PE objectives taught in each school year.

Click here for more information about the sports premium, how it is spent in our school and its impact on our pupils' sport participation both in and out of school. In 2018-2020 we were awarded the PLATINUM sports mark.

We like to ensure that our children are safe on the roads on their bikes. All Y4 and Y5 pupils have the opportunity to take part in Level 1 and 2 cyclewise.

PE overview and progression of skills
