
Long Marton

Community School



 “Governors are proud to be associated with the school.  They use their expertise well to support and challenge the school for the quality of education that it provides."

Ofsted Inspection Report, 2024.


 LEA Governor and Chair of Governors:

Lindsey Jenkinson -


Clerk to the Governors:

Wendy Swinbank


Co-opted Governors   

Alex Lattin -  

Katie Phelps -

Parent Governors:

Katie Armstrong -

Jacqui McCann -                             

Nicola Tatters -                        

Ruth Jackson -

Neil Dean -

Chris Morphet -


Teaching Staff Representative:

Mr John Davis - 


Co-opted Non-Teaching Staff Representative:

Mrs Rebecca Bird -



Mrs Nicola Bardgett  -


Associate Member: Mr Peter Brown - 








Responsibilities and Areas of Interest

Term of office

Declared business interest

Nicola BardgettHeadteacher

Staffing and Finance

Performance Management

Grounds and Premises including Heath and Safety


School Meals


HeadteacherEx OfficioNone declared
John DavisTeaching staff rep



September 2023None declared
Rebecca Bird Non - Teaching staff repPremises




November 2026None declared

Andrew Mason



Staffing and Finance


Chair of Governors



March 2024None declared

Ed Evans

(Vice Chair)

ParentPremises committeeEnglishMay 2024Spouse/Artist
Katie ArmstrongParent 

Staffing & Finance 


March 2025None declared
Jo BrownParentPremisesTBCMay 2026None declared 
Jacqui McCannCo-opted SafeguardingSafeguarding May 2026None declared
Ruth JacksonParentSafeguardingSafeguardingSeptember 2026None declared
Lindsey JenkinsonLEA



 September 2026None Declared
Nicola TattersCo-optedPremisesEarly YearsSeptember 2026None declared
Neil Dean Parent (September 2023)TBCTBCSeptember 2027TBC
Peter Brown






None declared
Wendy SwinbankClerk to the governorsN/AN/AN/AN/A


Committee Terms of Reference - current members – 2022/23

Staffing/Finance Committee 

Members: Mrs Nicola Bardgett; Mr Andrew Mason; Mrs Katie Armstrong; Mrs Lindsey Jenkinson; Mr John Davis.


The purpose of the Committee is to ensure that the Staff and Governors have in place effective systems and procedures for the financial management of the school and to contribute towards the raising of standards.

Period of Review

Terms of reference should be reviewed annually by each committee and recommended for approval to the Governing Body in the first meeting of each academic year.


Membership shall consist of no fewer than four Governors including the Headteacher. The committee should meet at least three times a year. The Committee must elect a chair at the first meeting of the academic year. A quorum is a minimum of three members of the committee.


  • To consider the objectives of the school development plan in each financial year and prepare and approve an annual budget based on that plan ensuring that the school has followed Best Value principles when drawing up the annual budget plan.
  • To prepare, recommend to the Full Governing Body and to submit to the Cumbria County Council a three year financial plan.
  • To ensure that the Headteacher has put in place systems and procedures that comply with the requirements of the Cumbria Scheme for Financing schools and the County Council’s Financial Regulations.
  • To receive budget-monitoring reports from the Headteacher showing the income and expenditure of all funds and to report to the Governing Body at least three times a year on the financial position of the school.
  • To approve the virement of funds within the agreed budget.
  • To ensure the audit of the School fund is carried out and approved by the governing body.
  • To receive and respond to audit reports received from the LA.To determine the level of delegation to the Headteacher/Small School Business Manager (SSBM) for the day to day financial management of the school.
  • To make decisions on expenditure following recommendations from other committees. To ensure appropriate systems and procedures are in place for the awarding of contracts for services.
  • To ensure that value for money reviews are undertaken to assess the effectiveness of the use of school resources. To make recommendations to the Governing Body with respect to fluctuations in the numbers of staff employed at the school.To oversee the arrangements for all staff appointments.
  • To review annually the school’s performance management policy in conjunction with the Annual School Teachers Pay Review Body report and Teachers Pay and Conditions document and recommend any amendments for approval by the governing body.
  • To consider matters of staff work/life balance, working conditions, welfare and well-being.
  • Through the Performance Management Panel, to review in the Autumn Term each year, the performance of the Head in line with targets set the previous year and to consider and make decisions upon any recommendations from the Panel.
  • To ensure adequate arrangements are in place for obtaining advice and support on personnel matters.
  • To receive from the Headteacher recommendations for teaching staff job descriptions.
  • To receive from the Headteacher recommendations for approval by the Governing Body (in consultation with the Finance committee) of dismissal or early retirement payments that would benefit the development of the school but require school budget payments.
  • To ensure appropriate arrangements are made for the Continuous Professional Development of all staff. To be responsible for the review, development and where appropriate recommend to the Governing Body for approval, policies relating to equal opportunities, recruitment, appointment and retention of staff and management of sickness absence.

Responsibilities Delegated to the Committee

  • To approve budget virements (excluding amounts relating to Employee costs) within the budget set for the financial year.
  • To enter into contracts up to the value (the ‘value’ being the total value over the period of the contract) of £4000
  • To determine the level of financial delegation to the Headteacher/ SSBM.
  • To consider and approve the longer-term financial plan recommended by the Headteacher.
  • To review on an annual basis the following policies and procedures:
  • Financial procedures manual.
  • Best Value statement.
  • Charging and Remissions policy.

Responsibilities Delegated to the Headteacher

  • The Headteacher has the delegated authority to make the following decisions without referral to the Finance Committee or Governing Body, but must report to the Finance Committee each meeting any decisions taken.
  • To vire within the current budget up to £2000.
  • To enter into contracts up to a value (the” value” being total value over the period of the contract) of £2000, within the budget available.
  • To review & monitor all payments made for salaries, goods and services on behalf of the Governing Body.
  • The Headteacher (or nominated staff) must provide a report to the Finance Committee at each meeting on the financial position of the school.
  • The Headteacher must investigate and report to the Governing Body any suspected irregularities.
  • Ensure that the school has in place procedures which follow best value principles in relation to the contracting for goods and services.
  • The appointment of all non-teaching staff vacancies.
  • The production, review and amendment of non-teaching staff job descriptions.
  • The implementation of the performance management policy of the school.

Responsibilities delegated to the Small School business manager (SSBM)

  • The SSBM has the authority to use the County Council charge card in accordance with the terms and conditions thereof.
  • The SSBM can use the charge card for transactions up to £1500 without prior authorisation from the Headteacher.


Grounds and Premises Committee including Health and Safety

Members: Mrs Nicola Bardgett; Mr Ed Evans (H&S Governor); Mrs Rebecca Bird; Mrs Nicola Tatters; CO-OPTED Mrs Sandra Longstaff.

Meet as and when necessary, at least once every academic year.

To maintain and develop a safe School environment.

Monitor use of School premises by outside groups.

Report back regularly to main Governing Body.

6 members - quorum of 3.

Communicate any decision & associated costs to appropriate chairs of other committees.

Delegated powers to co-opt as necessary. Work within framework of policy of delegation maintained by the main Governing Body.


Communications & PR Committee

Members: Mrs Nicola Bardgett; Mr John Davis; Co-Opted Mr Charlie Ellison & Mrs Alison Birkett.

Meet as and when necessary.

To publicise and communicate the work of the School to the wider community.

Report back regularly to main Governing Body.

Minimum of 4 members - quorum of 3.

Delegated powers to co-opt as necessary.

Work within framework of policy of delegation maintained by the main Governing Body.


School Meals Committee

Members: Mrs Nicola Bardgett; Mr Andrew Mason; Mr Ed Evans; Mrs Wendy Swinbank SSBM; 

Meet termly or as and when necessary.

Report back to the full governing body.

Report financial implications to the Finance committee as and when necessary.

To ensure implementation of the nine food standards.

Delegated powers to co-opt as necessary.

To overview the provision of a good healthy school meal service.


Safeguarding Committee

Members: Chair & Vice Chair of Governors; nominated safeguarding governor; Senior Designated Person and Health & Safety Governor (respectively; Mrs Nicola Bardgett; Mrs Jacqui McCann; Mr Andrew Mason; Mr Ed Evans.)

Meet as and when necessary.

Ensure the school’s policies and procedures safeguard and promote the welfare of the children at the school, and that appropriate training is undertaken.

Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the school’s safeguarding arrangements.

Report to the main Governing Body relevant safeguarding issues.

Annually review the school’s safeguarding policy.

To conduct the annual safeguarding audit

Annually review equality objectives

5 members – quorum of 3  



Attendance at Full Governors meetings







Rachel Smith6/66/6
Andrew Mason6/66/6
John Davis 4/4 6/6
Rebecca Bird (appointed November 2022) N/A5/5
Nazreen Banks4/63/6
Ed Evans 1/16/6
Katie Armstrong (appointed March 2021)2/26/6
Jo Brown - (appointed May 2022)2/26/6
Jacqui McCann - (appointed May 2022)2/25/6
Ruth Jackson - (appointed September 2022)N/A6/6
Nicola Tatters - (appointed September 2022)N/A4/6
Peter Brown3/65/6

